Wednesday 6 November 2013

Life in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya

  Kakuma Refugee

(July 2008) The IRC provides services to thousands of refugees and members of the local community in Kakuma camp, northern Kenya. The camp is currently home to an officially estimated 53,000 refugees from countries like Sudan, Somali and Ethiopia.
The camp population has dropped from highs of more than 90,000 as many Sudanese refugees have been resettled recently. However, these refugees leave behind empty houses which provide an ideal hangout for thieves at night.
One refugee told us, "There have been incidents. Men come. Two or three of them will have guns and others will have cutlasses. They hide in the houses. "
"The police have been coming and doing patrols. It has helped to reduce the attacks but we are still worried." Work has also begun in the camp to demolish the empty houses.

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