Tuesday 31 December 2013




Fig1. Mount Aboye gara site
ESSS has taken a giant step forward to realize one of its main objectives, that is, to enable Ethiopia to reap the benefits accruing from space science and technology, through International Astronomical Observatory in the highland of Lalibela.
Experts have pinpointed the highlands Around Lalibela as the promising sites for a future astronomical and space observatory from which to explore space. Observatory site selection involves in-depth investigation and years of study and evaluation.
According to a preliminary study undertaken around Lalibela, which include Mount Abune Yosef (Lasta district,4280 M Above Sea Level), Mount Abohaye gara(Gidan District 4140 M, above sea level) and Mount Mahe Wadla (Gashena District, 3800 M Above Sea Level), are considered potential sites for an international observatory. Some of the observational factors that affect astronomical research include cloud cover, temperature, rain fall, sky-brightness, humidity, wind speed, atmospheric turbulence, aerosol, seismicity, integrated soil and factors related to altitude. Among these factors, the meteorological factor that has been collected from Ethiopian metrological agency around these mountains show the feasible potential of the sites.
 In all these potential sites, living quarters have now been fully completed. Millions of birr worth equipments to conduct the feasibility study is being transported to the nearest town of Mount Abune Yosef and Mount Abohaye gara sites. The third site, Mount Mahe Wadla delayed at least for one year. It is believed by September the two sites, Mount Abune Yosef and Mount Abohaye gara will be functional and all trained personnel from different universities in the area will commence their study and research.

Fig2. Shipping the necessary equipments to the sites
The success of this project so far would have not been possible if it were not be for the region’s government administration, zone and woreda official’s momentous contribution. Even local residents and farmers in all sites have shown a sense of urgency by participating in various activities to see the fruits of this project. What a moving, heartwarming story is that they often cross up to 7 km of the treacherous mountains to see if they can help in any ways.

Fig3. Engineers and Professionals at Telescope resting Site at Mount Aboy gara
ESSS unrelenting effort for the development of space science and technology in the country managed to boost support from corporate sectors as well. MH engineering deserves a special thanks and acknowledgment  for being a major player from day one in assisting the society through advising and providing various engineering services for both Entoto Observatory site and Lalibela project free of charge.

 Fig4. Mr. Tefera Waluwa briefing the local residents
During the visit to the Mount Aboye gara site by engineers and other professional, Mr. Tefera Waluwa, Board chairman of the society remarks “There are also a lot of individuals who dedicate their time and effort, and I think we should recognize and appreciate them. In addition, I believe this kind of gesture motivates the people who are already volunteering, and those who plan to do so." He further added that,” our society is leading by example and intends to promote what volunteer work can bring to a society and solve valuable challenges in our communities and furthermore, can better empower ourselves and others to create political, economic and social change”
ESSS IEC (Information, Education and Communication) Committee
July 22, 2013

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