Saturday 1 March 2014

Kenya: Women's Reps

Kenya: Women's Reps, Governors Fight for Cash

WOMEN MPs and Governors yesterday put up a fight to control cash being disbursed to counties. The women demanded Sh3.4 billion while the governors announced that they will challenge in court an attempt by MPs and senators to take control of the equalization fund.
"We are better placed to manage this fund. If we cannot be trusted then we would rather the national government manage it," said the chairman of the Council of Governors Isaac Rutto.
Governors warned that they will not allow the constitution to be changed so that senators chair county development boards.
"It will be unconstitutional as it attempts to bring other arms of government to take over the mandate of the county executive. It will be undermining the constitution and we will move to court to seek interpretation," Rutto said. "That amendment is uncalled for," said Meru governor Peter Munya yesterday. The governors were meeting media in Nairobi.
Yesterday, women MPs protested in Parliament demanding to each be allocated Sh3.4 billion to administer at the county level.
The women MPs, who were elected to represent the 47 counties, stormed out of the chambers demanding the resignation of Budget Committee chairman Mutava Musyimi whom they accused of frustrating the bill to establish a special kitty for them.
The women chanted anti-Musyimi slogans before addressing the press. "Enough is enough, enough is enough, haki yetu, haki yetu, Mutava must go," they chanted.
The women MPs then returned to the chambers with the intention to disrupt business by taking away the ceremonial mace. However they relented once inside the chambers and sat pensively before going out again for a second press briefing.
The women MPs said the Affirmative Action Social Development Fund Bill was forwarded to the Budget committee seven months ago but so far nothing had happened.
All financial bills have to be scrutinized by the Budget committee in consultation with the National Treasury. "We are only asking for 0.5 percent of the national budget. This is only Sh3.5 billion, a drop in the ocean," said Nyeri County woman representative Priscilla Nyokabi. The women said each county MP should be in charge of Sh70 million.
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