What is the Bilderberg Group And What Are They Doing?
Are They Illuminati? Do They Control The World?
What is the Bilderberg Group?
Do the
Bildergerg members seek to form a One World Government? Are they engaged in
nefarious activities? Who are the Bilderbergers and what do they do at their
meetings? Does the Bilderberg Group actually exist or are they just a part of
some conspiracy theory?
researching the Bilderberg Group, it is a fact that they exist. They
also seem to be very influential on business and financial endeavors. They also
involve themselves in politics all over the globe, they make decisions as to
whether a Nation is engaged in war or live in peace. The Bilderberg Group controls
the majority of the globes resources, they also have control of most Nations
It was in
1954 that the Bilderberg Group, which includes some of the most powerful people
in the world as members, met for their first meeting. The meeting took place in
Oosterbeek, Netherlands, the subject of the meeting was a debate on the worlds
future. At that time the members agreed to hold an annual meeting that was to
be kept secret.
"All Seeing Eye". the Eye of Horus, An important symbol to many
secret societies.
Source: All
photos' supplied through Google!
Who are the Bilderbergers?
The members
of the first meeting decided to call themselves the Bilderberg Group, their
members consisted of some of the most powerful people on the planet. The
membership was comprised of members from Nations worldwide. There are members
from The United States of America, Canada, and many Nations in Western Europe.
Many of the
members are well known throughout the world. Names such as David Rockefeller,
Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel, Alan Greenspan, Ben
Bernanke, Larry Summers, Tim Geithner, Lloyd Blankfein, George Soros, Donald
Rumsfeld, Rupert Murdoch, the membership also includes many Leaders of Nations,
prominent Senators, several Congressmen, and members of British Parliament.
included in the membership are Pentagon and NATO brass, royalty from European
countries, and powerful media moguls. There are also individuals that attend
the meetings by invitation. Some of these individuals that attend by
invitation, attend very quietly, such as Barack Obama and many of his highest
ranking administration officials.
Another list
of Bilderberg Group meeting attendees include members of the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR), the International Monetary Fund, the World
Bank, members of the Trilateral Commission, the European Union, and some of
the most prominent central bankers from the Federal Reserve, the European
Central Banks Jean-Claude Trichet and Mervyn King of the Bank of England.
New World Order Bilderberg Group - Open Your Eyes and See The
How was the Bilderberg group exposed?
For fifty
years, not one note of the Bilderberg agenda or any of the topics that are
discussed was made available to the public. The Bilderbergers do not allow any
press to cover any aspect of their meetings. The meetings are held under the
Chatham House Rule which has its origins at the Chatham House. (which is an
independent policy institute that is based in London) This rule was implemented
to keep all members anonymous and advocates openness and the ability to participate
in sharing information.
People that
attend these meetings by invitation are sworn to secrecy. Daniel Estulin has
dedicated his lifes work to revealing the secrets of the Bilderberg Group as an
investigative journey.
Estulin has
said that
one by one, I have penetrated the layers of secrecy surrounding the Bilderberg
Group, but I could not have done this without the help of "conscientious
objectors" from inside, as well as outside, the Group's membership."
In return
for their information, Daniel Estulin has agreed to keep all of the informants
names confidential. Without certainty of the groups initial mission, the
Bilderberg Group is currently a secretive and shadow world government. Whether
or not the Bilderberg Group is associated with the Illuminati is a subject that
is often discussed.
For more
information on the Illuminati!
The fear of
many people concerning the Bilderberg Group is that they are a threat to the
removal of our Rights to control our own future. This would result in the
creation of a very frightening reality which would have harmful effects on the
welfare of the worlds' population.
Conspiracy of Silence: Who are the Bilderberg Group?
Bildergerg Agenda!
The theory
concerning the Bilderberg Agenda is that they would like to create a borderless
world. This would mean eradicating the indivudual Nation States Sovereignty
with a very powerful Central Global Government. This Central Global Government
could also be called a New World Order!
They would
like to see this government controlled by corporations and protected by
military police. This would be a private club for Presidents, Prime Ministers,
International Bankers, and Military Leaders to congregate and network among
themselves. They could be chaperoned by the new Royalty to ensure peace is
upheld. The entities that are in control of the wars, the stock markets both in
Europe and America would be able to speak things that they would never dare
speak in a public arena.
When the
Bilderberg Group was first formed, the group had already decided to create an
"Aristocracy of Purpose" through Europe and America, This would be
done for the purpose of achieving agreement on matters to rule the world using
policy, economics, and strategic maneuvers.
Aristocracy of Purpose!
The global
elitists have created an "Aristocracy of Purpose". This purpose is to
retain control over the currency and the resources of the entire planet. The
Aristocrats that developed this "Aristocracy of Purpose" have
concentrated their energy, for the reason that without energy, currency quickly
loses its value.
petroleum becoming more and more valuable, the global elitists are frantically
working to solidify control of this resource. They are striving to eradicate
any National Sovereignty by creating a global governance which would leave all
Nations incapable of being self-reliant and maintain the ability to survive on
its own.
The Global
Elitists also have the belief that the world is over-populated and the
reduction of the worlds' population is part of the Bilderberg Agenda. They
would like to return the population back to the numbers that existed before the
industrial revolution. One of the schemes that is discussed to reduce the
population is by the destruction of the economies of the world.
Violations of the Logan Act!
The Logan
Act (18 U.S.C.A. § 953 [1948]) is a Federal Statute making it a crime
for any citizen to converse with foreign governments against the interests of
the United States. Specifically, it prohibits citizens from negotiating with
other nations on behalf of the United States without authorization from
Does a
citizen attending a Bilderberg group meeting without authorization from
congress violate the Logan act?
Exact wording of the Logan Act!
Any citizen
of the United States, it does not matter where he is or who he may be, who, without
acquiring authority of the United States, whether directly or indirectly
commences or carries on any correspondence or diplomatic relations with any
foreign government or any officer or agent of a foreign government , with the
intention to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of
any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with
the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be
fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
This section
shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply, himself or his agent, to any
foreign government or the agents thereof for redress of any injury which he may
have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.
How can the Bilderberg Group control the world?
The creation
of NATO was a central part of the Bilderberg plans. Using a never-ending state
of war combined with the ability to blackmail Nations combined with the threat
of nuclear weapons. The next part of their agenda would be to acquire
everything of value from the globe to attain enormous wealth and power. They
also maintain the ability to destroy any challenges to their control
Not only is
military dominance part of the plan but the true ability to control the world
comes from the power to control the worlds' currency. Having control of a
Nations money supply guarantees that the Nation remains subservient to the
controlling elite. This is something that the Rothschild family discovered
early in the Nineteenth century.
Rothschild the patriarch of the Rothschild Empire was once reported as saying:
"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who
makes its laws."
For more
information about the Rothschild family.
Bilderberg Group is the most exclusive club on the planet. An individual cannot
even buy their way in to the group. The Bilderberg Groups Steering Committee
makes all decisions as to who to invite to the meetings. In every case anyone
admitted in to the meetings are willing to succumb to a One World Government,
that is to be controlled by the worlds most powerful elite.
Reality Bytes
Who attends Bilderberg meetings?
Bilderberg Groups Steering Committee has very strict rules for invited guests.
They must attend the meeting alone, they are not even allowed to bring their
wives, girlfriends, husbands, even their bodyguards are not allowed in the
Any personal
assistants, bodyguards, whether CIA or even Secret Service staff are refused
the ability to enter the meeting. They cannot attend the conference and must
even dine in a separate room from the meetings attendees.
Another rule
applicable to Bilderberg guests is that they are forbidden from granting any
interviews to journalists. Nor can they ever make public the activities or
discussions of the meetings.
Nation that hosts the meeting is responsible for all security and to keep away
any potential intruders. At least one third of those that attend the meetings
are political figures.
The rest of
the attendees come from industry, finance, academia, labor and communications.
The procedures of the meetings are issued through the Chatham House Rules.
These rules allow those in attendance to have freedom to express their opinions
within an ambiance of relaxation in the knowledge that anything said in the
meeting will never be quoted or divulged to the public.

Those that
are invited or are members of the Bilderberg Group are some of the planets most
elite and powerful people!
What is the benefit in being associated with the Bilderberg
in the meetings are uninhibited, this does not mean that every discussion ends
in unanimous decisions. The Groups membership is comprised of around eighty of
the most prominent figures in the world, they regularly attend these meetings
There are
many others that attend the meetings by invitation due to their knowledge of,
or involvement in, topics that are relevant to discussions which are part of
the meetings' agenda. Some of the invited guests receive invitations to attend
future meetings, other attendees that are present at their first Bilderberger
Group meeting are selected for the possibility that they may prove useful in
the future.
One example
of a first time attendee that has been invited to other meetings is Bill
Clinton. He attended his first meeting in 1991 as Governor of Arkansas. It was
at this first meeting in 1991 that David Rockefeller explained to Bill Clinton
that the "North American Free Trade Agreement" was a major priority
to the Bilderberg Group. Bill Clinton was told that the Bilderbergers would
require that he would support the Treaty!
It was the
very next year that Bill Clinton achieved the role of President of the United
States, it was on January first 1994 that the "North American Free Trade
Agreement" was put in place. There are many other examples which hold a
resemblance to this occurrence. Many of the attendees of the Groups meetings
are chosen to be placed in powerful positions, within politics, military and
other prominent positions.
The Fall of Bilderberg: The People Strike Back
What are the goals of the Bilderberg Group?
One of the
main pursuits of the Bildergerger Groups agenda is the creation of a One World
Government that would be controlled by a global conglomerate of corporations.
This One World Government would consist of one unified global market
which would have the One World Governments military to provide policing for the
globe. This would put the entire globe under control of this New World Order
which would be financially regulated by a One World Central Bank that would use
a new unified global currency.
Bilderberg Groups agenda has a list of goals in which they are attempting to
achieve. The list begins with a goal that is the creation of one International
identity that would recognize a single set of universal values. They would also
like to bring in central control of the population of the globe through mind
control techniques. Meaning that they are seeking forms of control that would
create and influence public opinion.

The New
World Order would turn the majority of the globes population in to slaves!

Bilderberg group is attempting to create a class of ruling elite!
What are some of the plans of the Bilderberg Group?
There is
also the plans of a New World Order that would contain no middle class in the population.
There would be only two classes of people, those that are rulers and those that
are servants. This New World Order would eliminate any forms of Democracy. This
would create a zero growth society with the removal of any individual
prosperity or the ability for the individual to progress. There would only be
an accumulation of greater wealth and power for those in the ruling class.
All this can
be accomplished by fabricating crisis and infinite wars. The Group also holds
ambitions to have complete control of all forms of education. By controlling
the mind of the public it would be easy to train their servants to perform
assorted functions.
They would
also like to have a centralized control of all policies, both foreign and
domestic, a global unification. The United Nations would be for all practical
purposes a world government with the ability to collect a United Nations global
tax on what would become the worlds' citizens.
Also on the
list would be the expansion of both the World Trade Organization and the North
American Free Trade Agreement. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
would become the Global Military. There would also be the establishment
of a universal legal system.
The creation
of a global welfare state would also be part of the agenda. Under this Welfare
State the submissive servants (slaves) would receive rewards while those that
refuse to comply with the New World Order would be marked for termination!

The Council
Of Foreign Relations is a Secret Government!

The Trilateral
Commission operates in secret!
What does the Council On Foreign Relations have to do with
the Bilderberg Group?
When it
comes to partners of the Bilderberg Group, many of the members identities are
secret. In the United States, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is a
preeminent partner to the Group.
For more
information on the Council on Foreign Relations!
One of the
main figures which created the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921 was Edward
Mandell House. Mr. House was a preeminent adviser to President Woodrow Wilson.
Rumors exist which state that Edward Mandell House held the actual power in the
nation from 1913 through 1921.
It was
during the Edward Mandell House reigns of power that the Federal Reserve Act
was passed and signed in to Law in the year 1913. This Act gave the power to print money to
international bankers. The Sixteenth Amendment was sanctioned in February which
was the basis for the creation of the Federal Income Tax. This Amendment was
enacted to provide a revenue source for the Government for the reason to repay
the service on the debt of the Country.
For more
information on the Federal Reserve Act.
From the
time of its inception, the Council on Foreign Relations' main goal was to usher
in a One world Government, which would have as its basis a Centralized global
system of financing. In the modern world the Council on Foreign Relations has a
membership in the thousands, with many of its members being some of the most
important and influential people In the United States.
Many of the
members of the Council on Foreign Relations also belong to the corporate media,
as well as many other powerful positions within the political and private
sector. The Council on Foreign Relations remains discrete, and extremely
secretive concerning its actual agenda.
There are
people that consider the Council on Foreign Relations to be a "front
organization for the heart of the American Establishment". The Council
meets in private and only reveals to the public the knowledge that it desires
for the population to be aware of existing.
.All of its
members are American.
Mindless robotic citizens.

Bilderberg Group uses mind control techniques to control public opinion!
What does the Trilateral Commission have to do with the
Bilderberg Group?
Trilateral Commission, a group similar to the Council on Foreign Relations also
holds secretive meetings concerning the combination of the worlds elite in to
one body, controlling the globe.
For more
information on the Trilateral Commission.
Trilateral Commission was founded by David Rockefeller, who is also a member of
the Bilderberg Group, as well as the Council on Foreign Relations. He still
holds an emeritus position on all three boards as well as continuing to give
financial support.
Based on
past and present members of the Group, it is easy to see the power behind the
"think tanks". Members of these secretive groups amass great
power. This list would include almost every single Presidential candidate,
regardless of party affiliation. It would also include some of the most
powerful Senators and Congressmen. Many of the most powerful figures in the
media, as well as the most prominent figures that belong to the FBI, CIA, NSA,
as well as the rest of the defense establishment.
Even leading
Government agencies are infiltrated. This would include employees of the
Department of State, the Department of Commerce, even the Judiciary, and
Department of Treasury. Leading figures in these departments have all been
members of these Secretive Societies.
It is as
though the entire Nation of the United States has been penetrated by Secret
Society members, whose allegiance is unknown. Are they sworn to allegiance to
their secret group? Does their Oath of Office have any merit in their life?
Alex Jones: Bilderberg Club's plan
What are some of the things that the Council on Foreign
Relations involved in?
Since its
inception, the Council on Foreign Relations has served as an employment agency
for the Federal Government of the United States. It does not matter what party
the individual belongs to, many CFR members are offered high ranking positions
within all aspects of Government, media, and control of major corporations.
It makes no
difference which political party resides within the White House, the Council on
Foreign Relations has not lost any power or altered their agenda since it was
founded in 1921.
The Council
supports the Global unification of a superstate, one in which the United States
of America and all other Nations of the world would be required to surrender
their Nations Sovereignty to a unified and centralized power.
The founder
of the Council on Foreign Relations, Paul Warburg was previously a member of
Franklin Roosevelt's "brain trust". This "brain trust"
was a group of advisers to FDR during his first Presidential campaign. In 1950,
Paul Warburgs son John said to the Senate Foreign Relations' Committee;
shall have world government whether or not you like it - by conquest or
during a 1992 Bilderberg meeting, Henry Kissinger told the members of the
meeting that;
Americans would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order;
tomorrow, they will be grateful."
statement would be true if Americans believed there was a threat from enemies.
Whether the threat was real or fabricated was irrelevant, as long as the
American people held the belief that there was a threat to their existence.
United Nations

An entity
that was designed to act as a One World Government!
When did the plans for a One World Government begin?
threats to our safety whether real or simply fiction, both would end in the
same result. Once a threat is perceived the population of the world will beg
for the leaders of the world to save them from this perceived evil.
To guarantee
safety many individuals would happily give up their Rights for the feeling of
security. The population would eagerly consent to a One World Government if
they felt that such a Government would keep them and their families safe.
It was the
Council on Foreign Relations that started the planning for a New World Order
before 1942. The United Nations inception began with a cartel of CFR members
which was called at the time the "Informal Agenda Group."
It was this
group that created the framework for the original United Nations proposal. The
group presented the proposition to Franklin Roosevelt. The President made the
announcement of the United Nations the following day.
When it was
founded in 1945, the Council on Foreign Relations was composed of over forty
United States delegates. The Council on Foreign Relations performs its agenda
in small groups containing around twenty-five people. These groups concentrate
on leaders from six different conspiratorial categories, these categories are
industrialists, financiers, ideologues, military, professional, specialists.
There were
lawyers, medical doctors and members of organized labor which were brought
together for the reason of engaging in detailed discussions on a wide variety of
topics concerning Foreign Affairs.
The Council
on Foreign Relations, although not financed by Government, works so intimately
with the Government it is extremely difficult to differentiate between actions
performed by the Council from Government actions done through Sovereign

During the
1930's through the 1940's, the United States of America was the most self
sustaining country on the planet. It was during the great depression that this
fact was recognized.
In 1937 an
author named Eugene Staley that made statements concerning raw resources:
States is more nearly capable than any other great power (besides the Soviet
Union) of meeting its normal demands from resources within its
Those in
power used the Council on Foreign Relations to fortuitously pursue a distinct
consideration concerning the interests of the United States of America.
attitude did not have any basis in reality concerning the overall concerns of
the citizens of the United States. Instead it was more meaningful to the
capitalist economic system which was under their control and gave advantage to
those who wielded the most power in the nation.
The theory
behind the actions of the Council on Foreign Relations is that the United
States of America would require more space to place inhabitants. This
acquisition would need to be accomplished while perpetuating the prevailing
system. Without the need of altering the foundations of the Nation into a
Socialistic Society.
One of the
Planning Council members, Mr. Henry R. Luce said quite candidly in an interview
with Life magazine in 1941 that:
may require a large amount of living space. But Freedom requires and will
require far greater living space than Tyranny."
Secret Societies -The Bilderberg Group-
How is the Bilderberg Group financed?
The most
significant form of revenue comes from major corporations and key foundations.
To name just three of the foundations are the Rockefeller, the Carnegie, and
the Ford Foundations all of which are administered by essential corporate
A major
executive at CBS news gave an explanation as to what the medias role is in the
New World Order would be, he stated:
job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to
CBS among
many other giant media conglomerates have control over everything that we see,
everything we hear, and everything we read. They use tools such as television
broadcasts, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, films, and a large part of the
Internet to maintain this control.
Many top
executives and journalists are regular attendees at Bilderberg Group meetings.
Their agreement with the Bilderberg Group is that nothing that takes place
within the meetings are ever reported through any media sources.
The Rockefeller
family still holds a tremendous amount of power. In fact the families'
patriarch David Rockefeller is in his mid 90's and nearly at the end of his
worldly dominance. This does not change the fact that the Rockefeller family,
led by David holds major control over the media in general.
With this
power the Rockefeller family accumulated a huge supremacy
over the opinions of the public. With this control over public opinion it gave
the family the opportunity to accumulate a huge influence in the field of
David Rockefeller

How does the Bilderberg Group and Council of Foreign
Relations control the world?
Once the
control of American politics was complete, these groups are seizing dominion
over the Nation itself. Once that goal is achieved control of the world will be
the next step on the agenda.
Bilderberger-Rockefeller tactics is to assure that their beliefs become so
tempting by disguising them, that they will eventually become public policy.
They can then use their dominance to compel the leaders of the world to succumb
to the wants and needs of the 'Masters of the Universe.'
The free
world press is their mechanism to publicize their "agreed-upon
propaganda." The Council of Foreign Relations control of the
Presidents cabinet aided in the passage of "The National Security Act
of 1947." This act created the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
Since its
inception, fourteen Department of Defense Secretaries have been members of the
Council of Foreign Relations. From 1940 to the present only one Secretary of
State (James Byrnes) has not had a membership either in the Council of Foreign
Relations or the Trilateral Commission.
Global Domination!

Over the
past eighty years, nearly every major United States National Security and
Foreign Policy Adviser has held membership within the Council on Foreign
Relations. Almost every key General and Admiral have also been members of the
Council on Foreign Relations.
Even the
majority of Presidential candidates either were members, or are current members
of the Council on Foreign Relations. These candidates would include Herbert
Hoover, Adlai Stevenson, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Gerald
Ford, Jimmy Carter (who also happened to be one of the initial Trilateral
Commission members), George HW Bush, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, and John McCain.
A large
number of the directors of the Central Intelligence Agency were members or are
still current members of the CFR. This list would include Richard Helmes, James
Schlesinger, William Casey, William Webster, Robert Gates, James Woolsey, John
Deutsch, George Tenet, Porter Goss, Michael Hayden, and Leon Panetta.
The majority
of Treasury Secretaries also are either former or current members of the
Council on Foreign Relations. This list would include Douglas Dillon, George
Schultz, William Simon, James Baker, Nicholas Brady, Lloyd Bentsen, Robert
Rubin, Henry Paulson, and Tim Geithner.
When a
President appoints a candidate for the Supreme Court, the Council on Foreign
Relations has a "Special Group, Secret Team" of advisers which
scrutinizes the candidates for reliability. It is standard operating procedure
that United States Presidents are instructed by global elitists as to who
should be designated to both the highest and lowest Courts in the Nation.
Daniel Estulin exclusive: Bilderberg are terrified!
Programming the Public Mind!
sociologist Hadley Cantril stated in 1967 in his book titled, " The Human
Dimension - Experiences in Policy Research", that governments
operations are propaganda campaigns designed to create perpetual tension and to
manipulate different groups of people to accept the particular climate of
opinion the Council of Foreign Relations seeks to achieve in the world."
author from Canada Ken Adachi said that:
most Americans believe to be 'Public Opinion' is in reality carefully crafted
and scripted propaganda designed to elicit a desired behavioral response from
the public."
Alex Carey,
an Australian intellectual and advocate revealed the three most crucial
advancements in the twentieth century was;
growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate
propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy."
The numerous
think tanks, foundations, media outlets, and other powerful organizations which
form a web of control are mostly staffed with members of the Council on Foreign
Relations. The majority of lifelong members of the Council also hold membership
in the Trilateral Commission as well as the Bilderberg Group, they carry on
their operations in secret and hold a tremendous amount of power over the
United States and global proceedings.
Rockefeller which founded the Trilateral Commission stated in his memoirs;
even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests
of the United States characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and
conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global
political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the
charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
Working in
collusion with the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission engages in an
essential part in the New World Orders' plot to use the prosperity which is
consolidated by a very small percentage of the worlds population, to exercise
control of the world.
Bilderberg Breaker Estulin: US builds 13 secret bases for war
with Russia
The Trilateral Commission!
Members of
the Trilateral Commission hold mutual beliefs which are all affiliated with the
complete and unconquerable command of the world.
Trilateral Commission was established in 1973 with its headquarters based in
Washington D.C. Its members are comprised of some of the most powerful figures
from the United States, the European Union, and East Asia. Their aims are the
acquisition of its central originating goal, which is the establishment of a
"New International Economic Order" or as it is currently called,
a "New World Order." This NWO would be controlled by
the global elitists that emanate from these three parts of the globe. Lower
ranking members would be allowed to join from other nations.
As read on
the Trilateral Commissions website:
regional group has a chairman and deputy chairman, who all together constitute
the leadership of the Committee. The Executive Committee draws together a
further 36 individuals from the wider membership."
members are distributed to represent the United States, the European Union and
East Asia at the time of the Commissions inception, it has more recently been
broadened to cover the globe.
committee meets a number of times annually for the purpose of holding a
discourse and collaboration of their agenda. The Executive Committee is the
body that appoints new members. There is an average of around three hundred and
fifty members whose membership exists for a three year period.
All members
are accomplished insiders who have a proficiency in business, finance,
politics, the military, or the media, this list would include past United
States Presidents, Secretaries of State, International Bank Financiers,
Executives of several Foundations and think tanks, Presidents of Universities,
and other figures which are prominent in the Academic field. There are also
former Senators and Congressmen, as well as many others.
Zbigniew Brzezinski

Does the Trilateral Commission operate in secret?
Even though
the Trilateral Commission offers its annual reports for sale, the inside
operations and the present agendas are kept very secret, for a good reason.
Their intentions which would cause damage to the public can not be divulged for
fear of repercussions from the population of the world.
Antony Sutton wrote in his book "Trilaterals over Washington":
group of private citizens is precisely organized in a manner that ensures its
collective views have significant impact on public policy."
author Holly Sklar stated in her book "The Trilateral Commission and
Elite Planning for World", how notable people from America, Europe,
and East Asia allow:
rich....safeguard the interests of Western capitalism in an explosive world -
probably by discouraging protectionism, nationalism, or any response that would
pit the elites of one against the elites of another,"
in their
prevalent pursuit of the domination of the globe.
Trilateral Commissions co-founder Zbigniew Brzezinski said in his book
"Between Two Ages - America's Role in the Technotronic Era":
governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of multinational
banks and corporations. (The Constitution is) inadequate....the old framework
of international politics, with their sphere of influence....the fiction of
sovereignty....is clearly no longer compatible with reality...."
Bilderberg 2011 secret agenda leaked by Jim Tucker thru a
Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, The
Bilderberg Group, why all the Secret Societies?
The present
Trilateral Commission is now a body which
serves the entire world, with members from various countries such as Argentina,
Brazil, Turkey, Ukraine, Israel, Jordan, China as well as Russia.
Antony Sutton stated his beliefs in his book "Trilaterals Over
America" that the Trilateral Commissions goal is to conspire with the
Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group in:
public policy objectives to be implemented by governments worldwide."
He also said
in the book:
have rejected the US Constitution and the democratic political process."
The truth is
that the Trilateral Commission was instituted to oppose a "Crisis in
Democracy" (a report written for the Trilateral Commission by Michel
Crozier, Samuel P. Huntington and Joji Watnuki in 1975), too much Democracy was
detrimental to try and keep it enclosed.
The report "Crisis
in Democracy" contemplated the political situation of the United
States, Europe and Japan, it stated that the quandary of governance in the
United States:
from an excess of democracy" which led to the promotion "To
restore the prestige and authority of central government institutions."
A recognized
report from the Trilateral Commission was nervous about:
increased popular participation in and control over established social,
political, and economic institutions and especially a reaction against the
concentration of power of Congress and of state and local government."
To manage
this problem the media had to become subservient to the global elitists for the
purpose of wielding:
on what newspapers may publish and what would be reported on television and
radio broadcasts."
In the July
of 1974 issue of Foreign Affairs, which is a Council on Foreign Relations
publication, Richard Gardner said that the Council on Foreign Relations leaders
need to make "an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece
by piece," until the entire conception is eradicated from public
For the
Bilderberg Group, the Council of Foreign Relations and the Trilateral
Commission to succeed in their goals, they need to find:
"A way
to get us to surrender our liberties in the name of some common threat or
Global Masters

It is for your own good?
Educational Institutions, the various Foundations, and the analytical
Think-Tanks that support these societies benefit them by providing funds to
create research studies to be used to validate their debauchery.
The reasons
change, but the goal remains consistent, the Liberty of the individual, our
Liberty among other things! What the Bilderbergers, the Trilateralists and
the Council on Foreign Relations members all desire is "an
all-encompassing monopoly" covering money, industry, government, and
possessions that would be "self-perpetuating and eternal."
In his book,
Confessions of a Monopolist, Frederick C. Howe explained how this would
work in practice:
rules of big business: Get a monopoly; let Society work for you. So long as we
see all international revolutionaries and all international capitalists as
implacable enemies of one another, then we miss a crucial point....a
partnership between international monopoly capitalism and international
revolutionary socialism is for their mutual benefit."
Gary Allen
wrote in his book "The Rockefeller File":
"By the
late nineteenth century, the inner sanctums of Wall Street understood that the
most efficient way to gain a monopoly was to say it was for the 'public good'
and 'public interest.' "
Rockefeller family handed down knowledge from one generation to the next, one
piece of this knowledge is that competition is to be despised and incessantly
strove to eradicate it. David Rockefeller took this knowledge to the extreme by
pursuing it on a global scale by dedicating his life to the creation of a New
World Order.
During the
decades of the 1970s and 1980s, Trilateral Commission and CFR members worked
together on an undertaking known as the "1980 Project". This scheme
was started in 1973 and was the largest Council on Foreign Relations crusade
designed to manipulate world events:
a particular desirable future outcome which would involve the utter
disintegration of the economy."
The goal of
this project was the strategy of "controlled disintegration."
Controlled Disintegration
Disintegration” is a specific plan that will fundamentally initiate am economic
crisis on a global scale. This crisis will be enacted for the exclusive
intention of acquiring greater authority over the commerce of the world, as
well as the entire population of the world.
The “1980s
Project” contains plans for invoking an outline for a governing body to control
the world. This governing body would be very similar to what was being
advocated by both Bertrand Russell and H.G. Wells.
The Council on Foreign Relations has declared that the next advancement of their
agenda would be the most substantial venture in the history of the world.
Bilderberg 2011
Why would they want to do this?
During the
decades of the 1950's and 1960's, more countries were becoming industrialized
and competition was growing very quickly. Industrialization was what countries
were seeing as their best chance at prosperity and the global elitists felt
that this "had to be strangled in the cradle" or at least it needed
to be quickly suppressed.
In the
1980's this trend was in full force. What has happened as a result of these
policies is that the largest share of the globes' wealth has been transferred
from the very poor to the very rich. The middle class has dwindled in numbers,
and eventually the plan is to eliminate this class all together.
conception of a North American Union materialized under the Reagan
Administration beginning early in the decade of the 1980's.
Reagan was advised by three people, David Rockefeller, George Schultz and Paul
Volker all three telling the president that Canada and the United States could
be combined under One Government using one economic model within fifteen years.
There was only one problem, they did not think that the French speaking people
of Quebec would consent with the merger.
Did they
have a solution? Of course they did! The solution would be to have a Bilderberg
controlled Prime Minister elected in Canada. Then that Prime Minister would
administrate the separation of Quebec from the rest of the country of Canada.
Once complete Canada could be annexed as the fifty-first State of the United
They came
very close to accomplishing this goal. The end of their devious plan was the
Canadian people defeating a 1995 secession referendum by a very close, 50.56%
to 49.44% electoral defeat, this did not end the plans of merging the countries
On March
23rd in the year 2005 there was a meeting in Waco, Texas. This meeting
contained three major players, George Bush, Mexico's Vincente Fox, and Canada's
Paul Martin, it was during the meeting that the Security and Prosperity
Partnership (SPP) was initiated. The Security and Prosperity Partnership came
to be known by the name of the North American Union (NAU).
There was a
very reserved and secretive Independent Task Force of North America Agreement.
This group was put together by the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE),
the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations, and the American Council on Foreign
The group
was planning the following objectives:
(1) Avoid the Legislatures of all three
Countries involved while completely ignoring their Nations Constitutions!
(2) The elimination of any knowledge of
these actions being prematurely revealed to the public.
(3) The proposition of increased United
States, Canadian and Mexican economic, political, social, and security
assimilation with several groups working covertly to frame a scheme that would
be non-debatable, with no ability to alter by vote any agreements. All
agreements would be binding and irreversible!
Flag for the North American Union

North American Union
The simple
aspects of this plan are easily revealed. There is/was a plan for an overthrow
of the Governments of three Nations by a small group of Corporate Elitists.
Destroying the sovereignty of all three countries. There will be a very
formidable militarized Police Force implemented to fortify this new
Nation-entity against resistance.
If this plan
is brought in to fruition, it will eradicate all National borders on the North
American Continent. The entire continent will be placed under corporate
authority. This will eliminate all impediments to trade or the free flow of
capital for the corporate conglomerates. Mostly this would benefit those corporations
that are currently existent in the United States. It will also allow essential
resources to have easier passage throughout the continent. This would include
the fresh water and oil that can be found in abundance in Canada.
There has
been over three hundred covert Security and Prosperity Partnership(SPP)
initiatives that have been conceived. These initiatives would integrate the
administration of the food, drugs, energy, security, manufacturing,
immigration, the environment, and the health of the public of the entire
continent. This would also involve the combination of all three Nations
military forces to be used to install a form of Martial Law.
AND PROSPERITY PARTNERSHIP (SPP) epitomizes the ascendancy of the Bilderberg
Groups agenda for a New World Order! The plan is to successfully accomplish
this One world Government through small increments at a time.
Map of Member States of the European Union

Steps taken to unify the globe under a New World Order!
Maastricht Treaty
Completing the
unification of the European continent was also a step that would be used to
achieve the Groups goals. The realization of this goal came in November 1, of
1993, it was through the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty that the
European Union came in to existence. Thoughts of the formation of an EU began
after the ending of the Second World War!
Maastricht Treaty was accepted on the Tenth of December in the year of 1991 by
the leaders of the Twelve countries in the European Community which formed the fellowship.
It included the economic and monetary sections of the Treaty on European Union.
This Treaty was formally signed on February 7, 1992 by the Ministers of Foreign
Affairs, and was applied after each Nation ratified it by their individual
processes in 1993.
European Coal and Steel Community
unification of the European Community was arranged through various Treaties and
agreements on economic policies. In December of 1951, the European Coal and
Steel Community (ECSC), was put in place by six nations. This Treaty was signed
in Paris, it included the Nations of France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the
Netherlands, and Luxembourg combined to form an association of commonality.
The goal of
the Treaty was the establishment of a way to move coal and steel and allow free
passage to the sources of production. It also created a mutual higher authority
to monitor the market, maintain the honor for competitive rules and the
lucidity of prices. It was this Treaty that was the source of the establishment
as we know it today.
EN - Europeans: The Treaty of Rome
Treaty of Rome
It was in
March of 1957 that six European nations signed the Treaty of Rome, which was
the basis for the creation of the European Economic Community (EEC). This union
subsequently was renamed as the European Union. Also called the Treaty of the
European Community (TEC), all the ensuing European Treaties have been based
upon or modified the Treaty of Rome. The foundation of the Treaty of Rome
remains the greater part of European Union Treaty Law to this day. The Treaty
concentrated for the most part on an economic alliance, but it was also the
beginning of a more progressive political perception for an ever closer Union
that would eradicate all barriers that would separate Europe.
European Atomic Energy Community, (EAEC) also known as
The European
Atomic Energy Commission (EAEC) was created by the second Treaty of Rome. The
EAEC was created in combination with the common market at the same time as the
Treaty of Rome. The common market allowed for the freedom of movement of goods,
capital, and people, including the allowance of the free movement of workers as
well. Signed in 1957, the EAEC began being enforced on January 1, 1958.
Euratom is
the bureaucratic agency of the European Atomic Energy Community, which had as
its basis the European Atomic Energy Treaty.
European Court of Justice

European Court of Justice
In October
of 1957, the European Court of Justice was established to resolve any
disagreements regarding trade throughout the territory. The Court of Justice of
the European Communities, also known as the Court was established through the
ECSC Treaty in 1952. The Court is located in Luxembourg. The purpose of the
European Court of Justice (ECJ) is to guarantee that the clarification and
exercise of the Treaties Law is observed. It verifies that all European Union
(EU) legislation is clarified and applied equally throughout all countries that
are members of the EU. It confirms that there are no National Courts that would
come to a different ruling on the same matter.
The Court
also guarantees that the Member States of the European Union and Institutions
follow the Law as it is written. The Court holds the power to resolve any and
all legal disagreements between EU Member States, EU Institutions, and also
between businesses and individuals.
European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
In May of
1960, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) was established by seven
European countries. Norway and Switzerland was two of the original founding
Member Countries of the (EFTA). Finland signed on to the agreement in 1961,
Iceland signed on to the agreement in 1970, in 1991 Liechtenstein was also
added. Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein are also Member States of the
European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement with the European Union (EU).
Switzerland is a party to a set of bilateral arrangements with the (EU).
The European
Free Trade Association (EFTA) included seven Member Countries, Austria,
Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The
association was altered in 1973 when the United Kingdom and Denmark both broke
away from the (EFTA) to join the European Commission (EC). Following the UK and
Denmark's precedent, Portugal broke away in 1986 followed by Austria, Finland,
and Sweden in 1995. Today the Member States of the EFTA are Iceland,
Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.
Even though
the four Member States signed on to the European Free Trade Association
agreement are not large countries, they lead the world in numerous sectors
which are essential to the economy of the globe.
The two
Alpine Nations, Liechtenstein and Switzerland are universally prominent
financial centers and the location of some giant companies and multinational
conglomerates. Both of the EFTA Nordic countries, Iceland and Norway excel in
the fishing industry, the metal industry, and the maritime shipping industry.
EU - The Facts
Nations desired a growth in the amount of trade done everywhere on the globe.
It was designed to create an infrastructure for the liberalization of chattels
traded between Member states.
also served the purpose of being an economic counteraction to the more
politically motivated European Economic Community (EEC). The affiliation with
the EEC, later the European Community (EC), and the European Union (EU), was
the central purpose of the EFTA actions from its inception.
During the
1970's, the member states of the EFTA completed free trade agreements with the
EC. In the year of 1994 the EEA Agreement was put in to place. During the
decade of the 1990's, the EFTA has earnestly courted trade relations with other
Nations within Europe and outside of its borders. The first associations began
with the Central and Eastern European Nations. Later, nations in the
Mediterranean region followed. Recently, the EFTA's structure of free trade
agreements has included Nations across the Atlantic and Asia.
European Economic Community (EEC)
In July of
1967, the European Economic Community (EEC) consolidated the European Coal and
Steel Community (ECSC), European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC), and the
European Economic Community (EEC), in to a single entity. The European Economic
Community was based upon a 1958 treaty that had been signed in 1957 by Italy,
Belgium, Luxembourg, France, the Netherlands, and West Germany (which is now a
unified Germany).
It was
usually referred to as the Common Market. The European Economic Community (EEC)
was perhaps the most important of the three Treaty Organizations that had been
combined in 1967 to shape the European Community (EC) as it was called since
the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty in 1993, the European Union.
The EEC was
formed to achieve the goal of an ensuing economic unification of its Member
States which would inevitably produce a political union as well. It was
successful, as it allowed for the free movement of both labor and capital.
Another result was the eradication of trusts and cartels. Yet another benefit
was the advancement of both collective and corresponding policies on social
welfare, labor, transport, agriculture and trade to foreign Nations.
Control of the media allows the Group to sway public opinion!

European Customs Union
In 1968, the
European Customs Union was established to rescind duties and to enact uniform
import taxes throughout the Member States that were party to the (EEC). It was
the EU Customs Union that can be regarded as the first step in the creation of
the European Union itself. This Union eradicated the customs duties at the borders
within the Member States. All border control within the area to be designated
as the European Union (EU) was abolished, leaving only custom officers on the
outside borders of the (EU). This permitted trade among Member States to move
freely. All customs checkpoints within the borders of the European Union were
eradicated by 1993.
The European
Customs Union created one trading region, this resulted in a more unified
Europe. This region allowed for trade of goods that were produced in Europe,
and goods produced outside of the region. What this means is that a computer
produced in Sweden can be sent to Hungary with no need to pay any duties. A
computer produced in Japan will pay duties upon entering the European Union,
but will not be forced to pay duties if shipped to other Nations within the
confines of the European Customs Union region.
European Currency Unit (ECU)
The European
Currency Unit (ECU) was established in 1978. It was the European Currency Unit
(ECU), that was the forerunner to the Euro. European Unions' Member States all
use the same form of currency. Although the Euro is the authentic currency of
the European Union, the European Currency Unit was a fabricated currency which
had been established by the earliest Member States of the (EU). This money was
used for centralized accounting calculations.
The ECU was
introduced for circulation in 1979 by the European Economic Community, which
was the precursor of the European Union. It was in 1999 that the ECU was
substituted by the Euro, in equality. The term Euro was accepted in December of
1995. It began circulation in January of 2002 and took the place of the
European Currency Unit (ECU). The Euro is now the certified form of currency in
sixteen of the twenty-seven Member States of the European Union.

Single European Act
In February
of 1986 the Single European Act was a modification of the 1957 Treaty of Rome.
This Act laid the foundation for the creation of the Common Market which was
established for the 31'st of December in 1992.
The Single European
Act (SEA) was the first considerable effort of the Member States to alter the
agreements achieved through the Treaty of Rome. Even though the European
Community was active for almost thirty years, it had not accomplished its goal
of creating a consistent Common Market. The Single European Acts' primary goal
was to establish a definite date for the introduction of a fully synchronized
single market by 1992.
The Single
European Act (SEA) was formed primarily to allow for a stronger alliance. This
would make it more effortless to have Laws passed by creating a more powerful
European Union Parliament. It would also provide the fundamental groundwork for
European Foreign Policy. The passage of this ACT also took the development of
European Unification on a much quicker course for the accelerated alterations
which would take place in the decades of the 1990's and 2000's.
Member Countries of the European Union Surrender Their
It took the
previous fifty years for the prior mentioned actions to cost the Member States
of the European Union their sovereignty. All the above mentioned actions
resulted in the Member Nations giving up what individual jurisdiction they once
held. All power was centralized gradually through incremental steps.
Seventy to
eighty percent of all Laws passed in the European Union are now just approved
regulations that are created by bureaucrats in "working groups" in
Brussels or Luxembourg. The Member States themselves have little power over
their own Nations.
Both the
European Union and the proposed North American Union share similar
- A unification of economic and political actions.
- A much more strict security force. For Europe the eradication of wars within the continent between Member States of the European Union.
- The formation of a consolidated consciousness to replace Nationalism.
- The eradication of borders and the creation of a centralized unified governance, a virtual Superstate!
- Covert agreements to hide the actual intentions of said government.
- The introduction of a common currency which would lead to a single global currency.
some of these actions sound like a well thought out and beneficial plan for the
Nations involved. It also eradicates the People from holding on to their
heritage and their country. If an individual today is not content in the
country in which they reside, they are free to relocate to a country that would
be more to their liking. After the New World Order comes to fruition that
option is destroyed. It is in the Bilderberg Meetings that many of these ideas
are brought to the table. What do the Bilderbergers discuss in their meetings?
The only people that are aware of these facts are the attendees themselves.
BILDERBERG 2012 NWO Busted- Man who exposed Bilderberg
Back To The Bilderberg Group!
Now many
will say that the Bilderberg Group is nothing more than a discussion group for
the worlds' elite with no actual power or influence, others think not. The
suggestion that this Group may be controlling global events for its own
purposes is usually just laughed off by many.
Is it
possible that the banking elite could not foresee the financial collapse that
has occurred? Could they actually be behind the scenes manipulating events? Is
it wrong, or even dangerous to contemplate such things? Is there an actual
conspiracy going on behind the doors of the Bilderberg meetings?
supporters of the Bilderbergers will tell you that the meetings are not about a
secret government. It will be said that the meetings are for the purpose of a
mutual exchange of ideas, including a way for the elite to understand each
other better.

To say that
a Group which has such powerful attendees does not influence policy and
governments worldwide is simply ridiculous. If they are just gathering for tea
and cookies why is the secrecy concerning the meetings so overwhelming? Why
have the meetings been kept secret for so long? Would the Group ever have
revealed their existence if they were not outed by true investigative
It is very
suspicious to see the politicians, media moguls, royalty and other business
leaders meeting in a covert way as anything but nefarious. The Bilderberg Group
is rumored to be a Machiavellian front for anti-democratic elitists!
Here is a
small list of attendees:
CEOs like
Microsofts Bill Gates, Googles Eric Schmidt are attendees.
Elites such as Barclays Marcus Agius, Goldman Sachs Peter Sutherland Have also
been present at meetings.
figures such as Prince Charles of England, Prince Phillipe from Belgium and
many others have been to Bilderberg meetings.
Kissinger, Timothy Geithner, Sandy Berger, and countless other United States
politicians have been attendees at these meetings. To see a complete list of
attendees Read Here:
powerful figures do not sit down at meetings with Presidents, Prime Ministers,
giant media owners, members of National Parliaments, and United States
government officials, to discuss the weather. They will not attend a four day
meeting for the purpose of trading recipes. They attend Bilderberg Group
meetings to form a global consensus and a plan to follow through on any plans
agreed to during the meetings.
Paul Watson Reports Former Nato General Admits Bilderberg
Sets Global Policy Part 1
Paul Watson Reports Former Nato General Admits Bilderberg
Sets Global Policy Part 2
What influence does the Bilderberg Group have?
In fact,
this statement was validated by former NATO Secretary-General and Bilderberg
Group member Willy Claes, who stated that when the meeting is over a summary
report is put together and “The participants are then obviously considered
to use this report in setting their policies in the environments in which they
The truth is
that the Bilderbergers reach global agreements concerning the Groups agenda.
This agenda is then to be executed by each of its members in the host countries
of each Bilderberg member. These procedures hold more power than the agreements
in an individual Treaty.
Group reaches a general agreement during the meeting which covers a wide
spectrum of policy areas. Everything from energy, to the state of the
environment, the waging of wars, and even the economy, are discussed and
agreements achieved during these meetings. This is clearly apparent when there
are policies that are later brought to fruition after originating during the
Bilderberg Group meeting.
It is also
evident that the Bilderberg Group influences National elections and the
choosing of Presidents and their Vice-Presidents, Prime Ministers, as well as
leaders of the European Union. Bilderberg was a central instigator in the
adoption of a single European currency, this currency became reality several
years ago.
The majority
consensus agrees that members of the Bilderberg Group and the Global Elite knew
of the pending economic crash of 2008. There was information revealed after the
Groups meeting in 2006 which clarifies that the Bilderberg Group not only knew
of the housing bubble but was also precariously part of the formation of said
bubble. In other words, the Group knew there would be a burst in the housing
bubble, for the simple reason that they had created the bubble itself!
Paul Watson Reports Former Nato General Admits Bilderberg
Sets Global Policy Part 3
Paul Watson Reports Former Nato General Admits Bilderberg
Sets Global Policy Part 4
The Bilderberg Group knew of the looming Economic Crisis?
One of the
investigative journalists that has covered the actions of the Bilderberg Group
for many years had stated in 2006 that:
expects interest rates to rise and many Americans to lose their homes in the
months ahead.”
Overheard at
the Bilderberg Conference in Ottawa, Canada in June 2006 was future United
States Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. Timothy Geithner, who was at the time
of the meeting the President of the New York Branch of the Federal Reserve,
envisioned a rise in interest rates and much misfortune for those families that
had secured loans with an adjustable interest rate. This prediction also stated
that many of these families would lose their home to foreclosures due to a rise
in the rate of interest. The families which would keep their homes would see
their mortgage payments rise by hundreds of dollars per month. Timothy Geithner
said that most listened calmly while others seemed concerned, yet one was
overheard saying that:
Americans deserve their fate.”
The economic
decline resulted in an extended and continuing false solution of greedy
globalism. This also included the revising of the Financial International
Order. After the 2009 Bilderberg Group meeting in Greece, there was some
details leaked from within the meeting. This information disclosed the intents
of the Global Elite that attend these meetings.
These Global
Elitists were determined on advancing a deceitful accounting of an economic
global recovery. This charade was portrayed for the purpose of defrauding
investors into reinvesting their wealth back into the Stock Markets. All this
being done even though the Elites knew for fact that a second economic collapse
was looming on the horizon.
Now that the
globe is heading for a double dip recession, we can see that this is literally
what has happened. If an individual could repeat what was discussed behind
closed doors of the Bilderberg meetings, all economic collapses could be easily
foretold with stark accuracy.
Bilderberg Sleuth Jim Tucker: Globalist call for $7 a gallon
by the end of 2012
BILDERBERG - You know, the nazi lodge created by SS officer
prince Bernhard in 1952
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands
Bilderberg Group can trace its origins back to Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands, this Prince founded the Group. Another thought provoking aspect of
Prince Bernhard is that he was a former member of the Nazi Party!
It has been
revealed that this Prince held membership in the German Nazi Party until the
year of 1934. This was just three years before his wedding to the future Queen
of the Netherlands, Princess Juliana. Annejet van der Zijl, who is a Dutch
historian has actual membership documents from Humboldt University in Berlin
that prove that Prince Bernhard joined Deutsche Studentenschaft, a National
Socialist college fraternity! He was also a member of the Nazi NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische
Deutsche Arbeiterpartei), as well as the Sturmabteilung, the paramilitary
wing of the NSDAP.
Upon leaving
the University in 1934, Prince Bernhard resigned from all of these groups. He
was then employed by the huge German chemical company, IG Farben. Prince
Bernhard vehemently denied ever being part of the Nazi Party, he did admit
though that he was sympathetic with the regime of Adolf Hitler. In 2004, during
one of his last interviews, Prince Bernhard stated:
"I can
swear this with my hand on the Bible: I was never a Nazi."
Bilderberg Group and the Illuminati, are they the same thing?
There are
individuals that have researched the details of the Bilderbergers, these
individuals have stated that this Group is controlled by a 10 man Inner Circle
of the Illuminati. These statements include claims of a covert conspiracy to
construct an agenda for the control of the worlds' population.
Groups like
the Bilderbergers would inevitably become the Global Masters of this New World
Order. Humanity would come under control of this Order and become nothing more
than chattel to their new masters. The population of the globe would have a
future to exist as pawns, or slaves of the Illuminati.
Claims have
been made by researchers that the fundamental goal of global domination has
already begun. The Bilderberg Group is a central key to this domination, their
paramount aspirations include:
- That the United States of America must quickly repay all debts to the United Nations. The U.S.A. will be requested to grant billions of taxpayer dollars to the (IMF) International Monetary Fund. This disbursement of wealth will lead to U.S. citizens being drained of their own fortunes.
- (NATO) North Atlantic Treaty Organization will be modified to act as a military force for the United Nations. This will result in United States Armed Forces to fall under command of foreign officers belonging to NATO!
Illuminati Hand Gesture!

Will this all lead to Corporate Governance?
What is Corporate Governance? Corporate Governance is
a term that concerns the rules, processes, and laws on which the business
community uses to function, administer, and manage. The system of government
that would allow corporations to control a government is also known as corporate fascism!
implemented, Corporate Governance will eliminate National Sovereignty, it will
also bring the entire globes corporations under a central corporate order. All
businesses and corporations will fall under this central control mechanism,
taking all power to regulate these industries away from National and local
This will
give the mega-corps of finance the ability to ignore all laws and rules enacted
by all governments of the world. This would include the government of the
United States of America!
Just as we
enter a new millennium, a new form of fascist government will materialize under
a facade of free-trade policies, this New World Order will be under command of
the Illuminati!
The People's
Republic of China is the economic model supported by the Bilderberg Group.
This economic model is to be used as the accepted form of government for the
development of a European Superstate and the United States. It is being
implemented through incremental steps of governance.

Like the People's
Republic of China, all nonconformist individuals will be dealt with swiftly
and placed in forced labor camps. Another term for a forced labor camp is
PRISON! There is currently a form of these forced labor camps that have already
been implemented within the United States private prison system.
To read more
about the new form of slavery within the United States prison system.
A few more
things that could develop once the Bilderberg Groups agenda is implemented:
- A Universal Bio-metrics Identification Card will be issued to each global citizen. This is already being discussed within some Nations. Biometric technology already exists, this technology will be used to decode and pattern a physical feature of a human being. Retina scanners, fingerprint scanners are a couple of examples of this technology.
- A Police State will be unveiled, a Police Force similar to the Nazi Gestapo will be used to enforce the policies and procedures of the Illuminati/Bilderbergs New World Order!
For more
information on a Police State.
Further Research!
Thank you
for taking the time to read this article on the Bilderberg Group. There will be
expansions on many topics discussed. Please keep checking for more information
provided by Reality Bytes.
This article
has barely scratched the surface of the emerging New World Order. There is an
emerging One World Government that is under construction
as you read. Do your own research on these issues and come to your own
conclusions. The Bilderberg Group does exist, that is a fact. What goes on
during their meetings is only known to those that attend the meetings.
There is no
hiding the fact that many global elites crave the power that would result from
a centralized government. There are also plans for population reduction that is
not only nefarious but outright EVIL!
materials available on this hub are for informational purposes only and not for
the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact your attorney to
obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. All materiel are
copyrighted properties of the author and may not be used without permission of
the author.
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