Thursday 31 October 2013

Uganda, Ethiopia to undertake joint projects & Waldeba

 Asuman-Kiyingi (1)

Uganda, Ethiopia to undertake joint projects

Uganda has pledged to work with Ethiopia to undertake major projects in various sectors of the economy to lift millions of citizens of the two countries out of poverty.
The state minister for Regional Corporation, Asuman Kiyingi, said that Uganda plans to enter into a number of bilateral agreements with Ethiopia to enhance partnerships between the two countries in areas of education, agriculture, health, power generation, tourism, water and environment among others.
Speaking during celebrations to mark the Ethiopian National Day at Sheraton hotel in Kampala, Kiyingi said “We are going to sign several bilateral agreements with Ethiopia to undertake joint projects aimed at lifting people out of poverty”.
The bilateral agreements, the minister said would help the two countries to share resources based on comparative advantage. Kiyingi noted that Uganda and Ethiopia need to work together to eliminate drug trafficking, human trafficking, terrorism and insecurity.
The Ethiopian National Day is celebrated on May 28 each year to remember the day when the ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front overthrew the Derg Socialist military regime twenty two years ago.
The Ethiopia’s special envoy to Uganda,  Degefe Bula noted that the two countries have signed several bilateral agreements, adding that the signing the pending sector agreements with enable Ugandans and Ethiopians to enjoy free trade between the two countries.
He commended Uganda for the efforts to promote regional peace and stability, saying the country’s role in pacifying Somalia is commendable. Bula added that the two countries were collaborating in advancing the common agendas in Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), African Union and Common Market for East and South African Countries.
“Our cooperation has contributed a lot in terms of peace and security, socio-economic development to fight poverty and build up democratic and transformed societies”
Bula explained that Ethiopia has taken steps to link the country to her neighbours by road, railway and air transport to promote regional integration.
He said the country has completed its part of the road link with Djibouti, Sudan and South Sudan, adding that electric power interconnection has also been finalized between these countries and Ethiopia.


EPPF says attached Regime forces near Waldeba

In a press release sent to ESAT, the Ethiopian People’s Patriotic Front (EPPF) has stated that it has gained major military victories against the Ethiopian government forces in two consecutivebattles near Sequar and Ambo Tebel in Northern Ethiopia this week.
The Front said it has killed 21 standby soldiers of the Regime while injuring 25 on April 16, 2013. Similarly, in a battle with Regime’s forces on April 17, 2013 in Ambo Tebel near WaldebaMonastery, the Front said it has killed 25 soldiers injuring 39.
The Patriotic Front also stated that it has captured a number of heavy and light weapons with their bullets.
Our efforts to include the responses of the Ethiopian government on the claims of the Front have not been productive.
EPPF is an Organization committed to removing the TPLF/EPRDF regime through armed struggle.

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