Saturday 2 November 2013

Palm Reading

How To Read Palms: Free Example Using A Palm Reading Diagram

  compiled by ,, #endashawabebe

Palm Reading Guide: A homage to reflexology

In order to understand basic palm reading techniques we need to understand that nerves run from the brain towards the extremities of the body – the feet and hands.
What we do & think, what we did and thought, what we want, and how we behave is reflected through our nerves and shown on our hands (and feet).
The palm reading diagram below refers to this process and shows the nerves running from our left and right hand sides of the brain to the hands and feet.
It is not only the lines on our hands that are the recipients of our thoughts but also: the structure, flexibility, suppleness, colour, shape and texture of our hands.
Palm reading diagram demonstrating the rationale behind basic palm reading.
Right hemisphere / Left hemisphere
palm pamlistry melbourne
Reflexology and palmistry are sciences that recognize these facts and can then be used to our advantage to help us.
Reflexology is in a sense a reversal of our normal thought behavior. What would have been: thought (brain) – nerves -  reaction, is now essentially: action – nerves – brain = reflex, to stimulate a required body zone.
The basic palm reading hand chart below shows the 4 main corporeal zones reflected on the hand: the head, chest, abdomen and pelvic area.
reflexology hand analysis
Basic palm reading hand chart showing main corporeal zones.
The theory behind and practice of Palm reading extends back to at least 3000BC in China, many millenia before these studies reached the European shores.When reading the palm, amongst other aspects, we analyze the lines and the mounts. You can Scroll down to view the palmistry diagram of hand we will use for this hand analysis example.
Reading the lines of palmistry utilizing the palmistry diagram of hand below.

A – The Life line runs from between the thumb and index finger downwards towards the wrist. It documents the relationship we have with our family and graphs our energy levels.
A common mistake by some palm readers is to suggest that a short life line indicates a short life, instead it is rather the depth and strength of the life line in comparison with the other lines that is a better indicator.
B – The Head line runs from between our thumb and index finger sloping downwards towards the left of our palm. It indicates the fortitude of the mind and one’s artistic capacity.
C – The Heart line runs from below the little finger towards the index finger, it is the uppermost main line – seen on the palmistry diagram of hand below. It indicates how we interact with and respond to other people and beings around us. It also documents our input into our relationships.
D – The Fate/destiny line runs from the bottom center of the palm towards the ring and middle finger. At times it is not present at all.
It documents one’s career path and the consistencies within the work environment.
Hand analysis lines
Palmistry diagram of hand showing major lines of palmistry.

Significance of the mounts in basic palm reading

We analyze the mounts in combination with the lines of palmistry and the fingers.
Generally speaking, the mounts represent where our energy and talents lie. The Mounts that are more developed than others represent strengths in certain characteristics – something which we highlight in  palm reading and that you can take advantage of.
Referring to the next palmistry diagram of hand below,
Ju – the Jupiter mount, represents our ambition, enthusiasm and willingness to share and socialize.
Sa – the Saturn mount, represents our stability, responsibility and love of tradition. It may also show a greater understanding of time, rhythm and the deeper aspects of life.
Ap – the Apollo or Sun mount, the “sun” says it all, love of life, spontaneity, fruitfulness, creativity, success – a sunny disposition.
Me – the Mercury mount, our ability to converse and interact with others. A developed mount signifies an ability to convey a message quickly, clearly and diplomatically, serves well in commerce and negotiation.
Ma+, Mars positive or the 1st Mars mount, (shown between the thumb and index finger on the palmistry diagram of hand below) denotes our courage and willingness to defend our beliefs and the beliefs of others. Energy and tenacity.
Ma-, Mars negative or the 2nd Mars mount, represents our sense of responsibility and commitment to the social community, and our staying power under trying circumstances.
Pl of Ma – the Mars plain, distinguishes how bearing (or over bearing) our personality is on others and to what degree we make use of our 1st and 2nd Mars characteristics.
Lu – the mount of Luna or the Moon mount, (bottom right hand corner of the palmistry diagram of hand) represents our sense of imagination, inventiveness, intuition and romantic aspirations. The written skills are well represented here. A strong desire for change. (Add palm reading comment here.)
Ne – the Neptune mount, not very common, sometimes confused with the lower part of the Venus mount. Indicates a charming magnetic and intuitive character. At ease performing in front of others.
Ve – the Venus mount. Perhaps the greatest indicator of our passion for life and others, and our virility. The padding is usually very pronounced in the hands of artists and can also signify good circulation and constitution.
The palmistry diagram of hand below corresponds to the above labels.
mounts on hand
A ‘palmistry diagram of hand’ showing the mounts.

The fingers in basic palm reading

We analyze the fingers in combination with the mounts and lines of palmistry. Some aspects of the fingers which we observe while analyzing the hand are the length, diameter, flexibility, end shape, flesh colour, alignment, finger spacings, phalanges/phalanxes (fingers are usually divided into 3 phalanxes) , finger print patterns, joints, nails, finger setting and  markings. Generally speaking long slender fingers suggest intellectual quickness and mental power, while shorter broader fingers indicate a practical approach to issues. The fingers and their respective mounts have the same names and
represent the same qualities, and so the fingers can also enhance or diminish the mounts’ characteristics.
Refer to the palmistry diagram of hand below.
hand reading fingers
Palm reading diagram of hand showing finger characteristics.
Ju – Jupiter or index finger, if long it suggests ambition adaptability and magnetism to power and command over others. A short finger could suggest lack of ambition.

Sa – Saturn
or middle finger, our maturity and how we deal with responsibility. The centre finger also illustrates how balanced we are in life.
Ap – Apollo or ring finger, our love of aesthetics, our emotional needs, and desire for the limelight.
Me – Mercury or little finger, our intimate relationship with others and our ability to express it through verbal and written skills.
The thumb – the wider the opening between the thumb and index finger the more open and trustworthy the person is, also a flexible thumb suggests a flexible character (see the ‘thumb and index spacing’ label on the palmistry diagram of hand above).
The thumb also highlights our inner drive and willpower, and our ability to get the job done.

The Fire hand / Intuitive hand – palm longer than fingers (refer to the palmistry reading diagram below); fire is the ruling element in this hand type. It denotes active energetic individuals who warm society with their presence and talents. These are usually people predominantly emotional in make up, where even discussions on an intellectual level will be based upon their emotional viewpoints. Fire warms but it can also burn, and in situations where the fire hand is not in charge they can be impatient with others, and may also be tiring to others who can’t match their enthusiasm.
hand analysis case study
The numbers on the palm reading chart above correspond to the numbers below:
  1. The joining of the life line and head line shows that as a child she was very attached and responsible to her family.
  2. She is a creative person (indicated by head line that curves downward) however,
  3. She tends to lose concentration/focus easily and struggles to take a project to the end – witnessed by the short fingers (in relation to the palm) and weak points in the head line.
  4. A warm and friendly person who doesn’t struggle to meet new people and make friends (seen in the spacing and flexibility of thumb, and also the thumb ending faces outwards).
  5. First thing evident when viewing the palm on the palm reading diagram is a weak life line, compared to the other major lines. This indicates a non interest in physical activity. Probably a smoker. There is some risk of potential problems developing in the late 50′s if better care is not taken.
  6. On the head line we see there is a 10 year period of mental struggle from about the age of 20 until 30.
  7. An accident shows at about age 20. Three years later there is a radical change in her life (note the life line splitting when it is just starting to come away from the head line).
  8. Mood swings prevail in this period accompanied by unsettled feelings (seen in the little lines coming off the head line).
  9. The artistic nature is prevalent while the analytical side lags behind – see the splitting of the head line on the palm reading diagram. In this period of her life she is trying to develop her analytical skills probably due to her work description (explanation: end of the head line breaks into two, the weaker shorter line represents her analytical side).
  10. She cares for others, sometimes to the point of ignoring her own needs (heart line points up). There is also the tendency to select partners who are problematic, and consequently require a lot of her energy. This has lead to a series of disappointing relationships (seen in the islands on the head line).
  11. We find the marriage lines / relationship lines on the palm reading diagram just below the little finger on the side of the hand (not entirely visible on this palm reading diagram – they curve around the side of the hand!). These indicate that in love she will have two main relationships (either living together or marriage) the first beginning in her late 20′s and the second in her late 40′s. The second will be a stronger connection than the first, owing to the fact that through the course of her life she will a) develop a clearer idea about what she requires in a relationship and b) improve in how she interacts inside a relationship.
(Some) Advice:
It is not always possible for people with artistic natures to make a career out of their talents,  but it is important to remember that we can use hobbies as an outlet for our artistic side and sometimes as a second income too.
Witnessing the faint life line on the palm reading diagram we can see that more attention should be given to physical activity and that the subject should stop smoking. ,, #endashawabebe

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